Travelling with an infant is easier than travelling with an active toddler :). Well, we travelled with Devyani to more than 10 locations in the first two years. One mode of transportation which we did not try conciously is water transport.
What you need to carry during travel depends on how old/small your child is, mode of transport and the place you are visiting. Is it a holiday destination, friend’s place or relatives, you need to make changes accordingly. Keep in mind the temperature of the destination while packing.
Stepping Out? Check for the following
- One set of dress including one undergarment. I carry comfy full sleeves, full length casuals
which can be put on if she wants to sleep on the way after supper. - Diaper (if not out of diaper)
- Wet wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Water
Going out for couple of hours? Add on following
- Carry something to munch on
Going out for few days? Add on few more things in addition to more clothes and diapers
- Basic medicines (I carry paracetamol, nasal drops, rash free, band aid and Dettol most of the time. Used to keep anti colic and a gum pain reliever too when she was small)
- Bathing and skin care items, best you carry your own things; it does not occupy too much space.
- Diaper changing sheet and Quick drying sheets (these are very very helpful – I bought a full length sheet and cut it into
three, one half and two one by fourth’s)
If your stay is more than two weeks remember to stock these too
- Mosquito net (yes! Its required if you don’t want to encounter insect bites at a different place, and this too doesn’t cover too much space
- Medical Records/File
If you are travelling by bus, stock more snacks, keep spare plastic bags to throw waste, if by train, then add more tissues; you would want to do some cleaning of windows and seats J and if it’s by air, ensure following
- Letter of no objection by spouse, sounds funny, but do keep it
- Age proof document of child
- Take your baby gear, whatever you are using, a carrier, pram, stroller; getting them through security check will be just
another six minutes, three minutes to fold it and three to open it. It’s extremely useful, gives you freedom and frees your hands.
As and when you get seated look for emergency exits and know what to do. During my first air travel with Devyani I was worried about where will the ‘extra’ oxygen mask fall from, cause there were three adult passengers in the same row. So I asked the lady which one is mine, which one is, my child’s and which one belongs to the other two passengers. I did get a funny look, but came to know that in most aircrafts there are four oxygen marks in a row of three seats. When aircrafts have oxygen masks same as the number of seats in a row, they will leave the next seat vacant for parent/s who are travelling with a child who is not allocated a seat.
Caution: Overheating when your child is very small, let the concerned know there is a baby on board and maintain temperature, even if it needs a little raising of voice.